Reconnect With Your TheZStore Account

If you've previously had an account at TheZStore, but haven't logged in to that account yet here in the new Stage One store, for security reasons you'll have to set a new password. Here is all you need to do:
- Click on the "Login" prompt at the top of every page
- Scroll down to the "Forgot your password?" section
- Enter the last email you were using at TheZStore legacy site, and click on "Request A New Password" (If you receive the message "There is no registered user with that email address!", try any other email you previously used at TheZStore. If none work, you may contact us or create a new account.) Note that your email address is now your login, there is no longer any separate login name.
- Check your email (see your spam email if necessary, and be sure to list our address as "approved')
- Go back to the login page, and log in with the temporary password you received by email
- Input a new password of your choice (Note that the change password function will request your "old" password again first for security, this is the same temporary password that you just received in the email, and just used to log in, not your old Z Store password)
We saved all of your data from the legacy TheZStore site, and placed it in your new store account. This data does not include credit cards, passwords, or orders. Please check all your data for accuracy before proceeding with a new order.
Important Note: If you modified the information in your account (like an address or phone) after June, 2022, your new account here might not reflect that new information due migration timing. Be sure to check that all data in your account is current.
In order for your addresses to be properly configured in the new store, even if they haven't changed, you must click on "edit" for each address, make sure all is ok, and then save that data. Some older data you may have put in some fields will require correction before being able to complete any orders. If you have any issues or questions, just contact us.
Some data you had entered into your account (like your login name, vehicles, extra address information, and other items) have been placed into a notes field we created for you in your account. Please check there for any information you may need to update your addresses or other information correctly. Use this notes field however you wish.
Thanks for coming to our "stage one" new store!