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Latest 70-96 Z & ZX Part Reproductions

Like most manufacturers, Nissan sometimes discontinues production of replacement parts. Some items can be sourced through aftermarket suppliers, but sometimes that is not the case. We work directly with a variety of manufacturers, both local and worldwide, to reproduce some of these hard to find parts where no alternative option is available. Those items are listed on this page first as they become available.

Note: You may also want to watch our Obsolescent Parts and Available Again sections for items previously discontinued, but recently re-acquired!

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Bumper Guard Rubber Set, Front, 70-72 240Z
Interior Tail Light Panel, Black, 74-78 260Z-280Z Coupe
Reproduction Door Upper Molding Set, 70*-78 240Z-260Z-280Z Coupe
Reproduction Core Support Weatherstrip, 73-74 240Z-260Z
Luggage Strap & Metal Tool Door Hardware Kit, 71.5-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Datsun Blue Air Filter Housing/Carbon Canister Bracket Paint, 75-83 280Z-280ZX
Seat Belt Holder, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Floor Pan Plug, 55mm O.D. (43mm Hole), 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Emergency Brake Cable, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Fusible Link, 71-73* 240Z
Deck Lid Panel, Tan, 71.5-74 240Z-260Z Coupe
Reproduction Decal Set: Heater Control Panel, 70-72* 240Z
Seat Belt, Lap Only, One Side, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Wheel Emblem Set, "D" 70-71 240Z
Reproduction Decal: Nihon Radiator, 70-71 240Z
OEM Style Braided Brake Master Vac Hose, Vac Side, 70-73* 240Z
Reproduction Decal: Anti-Freeze Information, 77-78 280Z
Deck Lid Panel, Dark Brown, 74-78 260Z-280Z 2+2
NEW! Door Upper Molding Repair Kit, 74-78 260Z-280Z 2+2
Reproduction Engine Slinger, Front, 70-4/75 240Z-260Z-280Z
PRICE DROP! Reproduction Tail Light Set, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Console "Z" Cover Plate, 71*-73 240Z
Reproduction Rear Control Arm Bolt Kit, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Gas Cap Chain, 70-76 240Z-260Z-280Z
Front Bumper Bracket Set, Left/Right, 70-72 240Z
Reproduction Wiper Motor Firewall Grommet, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Fuel Tank Sending Unit, 75-76 280Z
Reproduction Rear View Mirror, Day/Night, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Tail Light Gasket, Left, 79-81 280ZX
NEW! Tailgate Lock Cylinder Rubber Pad, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Deck Lid Panel, White, 71.5-73 240Z Coupe
Differential Strap, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Window Roller, Right, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Deck Lid Support, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Luggage Riser Trim Cap, Black, Coupe, 70-78* 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Choke Cable Boot, 70-74 240Z-260Z
Zinc Plated Steel Brake Tube Bridge Set, Front, 70-8/74 240Z-260Z
Reproduction Heater Hose Firewall Grommet, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Voltage Regulator Cover, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Core Support Weatherstrip, 75-78 280Z
Reproduction T-Top Weatherstrip, Body Side, Left, 90-96 300ZX Coupe
Deck Lid Panel, Black, 74-78 260Z-280Z 2+2
Reproduction Luggage Riser Trim, White, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Decal: Hazard Switch, 1972* 240Z
Reproduction Tail Light Gasket, Left, 74-78 260Z-280Z
Smog Pump Emission Hose Set, 70-72 240Z
240Z Wiring Schematic Poster
Datsun Orange Air Filter Housing Paint, 70-74* 240Z-260Z
Reproduction Tailgate Hinge Cover-Seal Kit, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Tail Light Gasket, Right, 79-81 280ZX
Reproduction Door Weatherstrip Set, L & R, On Body, With T-Top, 90-96 300ZX Coupe
Rear Window Defroster (Defogger) Connector, 70-74 240Z-260Z
Reproduction Fresh Air Duct Kit, 70-73 240Z
Fusible Link Wire Connector, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Fuel Tank Strap Insulator Set, 70-8/74 240Z-260Z
Body Side Vinyl Panels w/ Chrome Strip, 70-78* 240Z-260Z-280Z Coupe
Reproduction Decal: Paint Code, 70-75* 240Z-260Z-280Z
Interior Deck Lid Panel, Black, 70 - Early 71 240Z
Deck Lid Panel, Blue, 71.5-73 240Z Coupe
Reproduction Decal: Paint Code, 77-78 280Z
Reproduction Inner Fender Weatherstrip Clip, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Rear Window Weatherstrip, 79-83 280ZX Coupe
OEM Style Braided Master Vac Hose, Engine Side, 70-6/71 240Z
NEW! Introductory Price! Rear Wheel Arch Reinforcement Repair Panel, Right, 9/74-78 260Z-280Z Coupe
Reproduction Quarter Window Weatherstrip, Front Right, 74-78 260Z-280Z Coupe
Reproduction Door Armrest Chrome Finisher 74-78 260Z-280Z
Reproduction Door Weatherstrip, On Body, Right, With T-Top, 90-96 300ZX Coupe
Reproduction Decal: Jack & Tool Stowage, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Headlight Seal, Right, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Stainless Steel O.E. Design Coat Hanger Kit, 70-3/71 240Z
Reproduction Quarter Window Weatherstrip, Front Left, 74-78 260Z-280Z Coupe
Reproduction Horn Contact Plate Assembly, 70-73 240Z
Air Filter Housing Gasket, 75-78 280Z
Decal: Tune-Up & Emissions, 72 240Z
Fiberglass Headlight Case, Left, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Repair Panel Insert, Upper Rear Panel Top, 70-78* 240Z-260Z-280Z
Decal: Radiator Cap, 70-73 240Z
Fiberglass Headlight Case, Right, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Reproduction Fuel Tank Sending Unit, 77-78 280Z
Interior Deck Lid Panel, Tan, 70 - Early 71 240Z
Reproduction Headlight Seal, Left, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Clear Front Turn Signal Assemblies, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Battery Frame Insulator, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
Check Valve, 70-74 240Z-260Z
Reproduction Polished Muffler Tip, OEM Design, 70-8/74 240Z-260Z
Clearance! Reproduction Luggage Riser Trim, Blue, 70-73 240Z
Amber Front Turn Signal Assemblies, 70-73 240Z
Steering Column Cover Set, 70-72 240Z
New Options! Reproduction Decal: Master Vac, 70-75 240Z-260Z-280Z
Zinc Plated Steel Brake Tube Bridge Set, Rear, 70-72 240Z
Reproduction Exterior Tail Light Panel Set, 70-73 240Z
Clearance! Reproduction Luggage Riser Trim, Red, 70-73 240Z
Reproduction Thermostat Housing Wire Stand, 70-73 240Z
OEM Style Braided Brake Master Vac Hose, Engine Side, 7/71-73 240Z
Deck Lid Panel, Tan, 74 260Z 2+2
Datsun Blue Engine Paint, 70-83 240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX
Factory Rear Bypass Water Tube, 70-73 240Z
T-Top Storage Bag, 90-96 300ZX
OEM Style Braided Heater Hose Set, 70-72 240Z
NEW! Door Lock Cylinder Rubber Pad, 70-78 240Z-260Z-280Z
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